Wednesday, 5 December 2018


Why is light important in everyday life?
This week we had our first federation Christingle services.

Each school had a workshop where the children found out about Christingles and then made their own.  The older children helped the younger children.

The Christingle was brought to England 50 years ago by the Children's Society.  The Children's Society help unfortunate children and children who are on the streets.

The Christingle is made up of different elements and each one has a specific reason:

The orange represents the world that God made.
The red ring around the orange represents the blood that Jesus lost when He died on the cross, it also represents the love that God wraps around us at all times.
The four cocktail sticks represent the 4 seasons of the year.
The sweets/raisins on the cocktail sticks represent the food that God provides.
The tinfoil represent the nails that Jesus had in His hands and feet during his crucifixion, it also represents the star that shone over the stable when He was born.
The candle represents Jesus as the Light of the World.

Here are some pictures of the Year 2 children at Sutton helping Year 1 and Reception:

Our Christingle services were very special, Mrs. Elliott came in and led Hickling's service, Catfield went to the church for their service and Mrs. Holmes led Sutton's service.  It was very heartwarming listening to the children sing their Christingle song with the candles alight.  4 children from each school did a reading each too, they read beautifully and with confidence.

Below are some pictures from the service at Sutton:



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