What can we learn about other faiths from their stories and books?
We shared some of our special books with each other and said why they are special to us.
In year 1 the children came up with some fantastic ideas of how we could look after special books, here are some of their thoughts:
- keep it on a shelf,
- wrap it up,
- put it on a drawer,
- make a sign.
In year 2 the children looked at the outside of a very boring book, it had the title 'The secrets of life'. They talked together about what this may have within it and how they could make sure that it was kept safe.
Why does Easter matter to Christians?
We carefully thought back to all the things that we have enquired about over the past few weeks. In year 2 we thought about forgiveness and how this makes people feel.
We chose to write poems, prayers or letters to people about forgiving them. While we wrote them we tried to stand in the other person's shoes to help us think about why they may have done something to hurt us.
Have a look at some of the prayers below: